Monday, July 27, 2009

Stress, Anxiety May Keep Woman Smoking

Resources NPR radio July 13th
Psychologist Saul Shiffman & Radio host Renee Montaine

Women have a harder time quitting smoking than men because of emotional distress. A woman named Tonya was interviewed on the radio explaining her attachments to smoking, she explains that she knows the health risks related to smoking, but it is still difficult to stop. Tonya is also a mother and doesn't want this habit to be inherited by her daughter. Tonya gets relief from smoking when she is stressed, she has tried many methods to stop smoking. She finds herself using smoking as a calming method while under distress. There are proven studies that confirm it is harder for women to quit smoking than men, says psychologist Saul Shiffman. He explains that women have acute emotions. Researchers are trying to find a treatment or method specifically for women. The only solution is replacement therapy, for example Exercise, social groups.

In chapter 10 we discussed stress, and how we deal with stress. In this story a woman named Tonya uses cigarette smoking as a method to control her stress. Her behavioral response leads her to smoke. The only way she can quit successfully is to use some type of coping resource or coping method. She can join a support group or exercise to replace her anxiety.


  1. As a woman smoker I can attest to this. I actually quit smoking for 15 years and then starting smoking again just a couple of years ago, after my divorce. Life does seem more stressful now; no job, limited unemployment left, and bills piling up around me! But, I've quit before and I need to quit again. I definately look at Chapter 10 again and learn a new healthy habit! Great Post! Thanks Jennifer!

  2. I too can agree with this, I smoked for three years, always right after work or when I was real mad / stressed and needed to get away. I stopped cold turkey when I found out I was pregnant, the only urges I ever had was when I real mad at someone or real stressed out.

  3. Smoking even a few cigarettes a day can hurt your health. If you try to smoke fewer cigarettes, but do not stop completely, soon you’ll be smoking the same amount again.

  4. I can definately relate to this, I have been smoking for almost four years now and I have tried quiting millions of times! I have increased my physical activity dramatically over the past couple of months, which has also led to a decrease in the amount of cigarettes I smoke each day. I am hoping to continue exercising and hopefully be done with smoking for good!

  5. I know a lot of people that say they can't quit smoking because they feel smoking helps them not to be so stressed. Some women and men will quit smoking and most of the time gain weight because they use food to fill that void.

  6. I will agree with this blog.I think it is harder for a woman to quit smoking than a man. Women have alot more to deal with in everyday life, I think that is why it is so much more difficult for them.

  7. I agree with this blog. My Mother has struggled with quitting for several years now, but between her lack of self control and stress she smokes one cigarette after another. She keeps saying that she is going to stop when life becomes less stressful (it never will stress is apart of life!) She also says she is going to get her refill on the medicine to stop smoking and still hasn't. Thank goodness I grew up with some control. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke and will not allow it around our son.

  8. I can agree to this also. I once was a smoker and this was the best stress relief for me and a diet also. I would take a break go outside and smoke to relieve my stress or smoke instead of eating. Now that I do not smoke I have been very stressful and no skinny like I use too. I have been put on several medicines to help with my axiety. I think sometimes about starting back smoking but I love myself to much for that. I have a family and I have watched love ones die of cancer.
